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Developing / Building the Radar


Valthrun requires the Rust toolchain to be compiled.


As Rust nightly features are used by Valthrun, you must first switch to Rust nightly.
Switching to the Rust nightly compiler can be done by the following command:

rustup default nightly

Setup development environment


This is only for the dev environment.
The Valthrun repository does contain all release files (e.g. the server, dedicated client and the HTML files).

In order to use the radar you have to do some steps:

  1. Start the pub / sub server:

    cd radar\server-standalone
    cargo r
  2. Start the standalone radar client (cs2 needs to be open)

    cd radar\client-standalone
    cargo r -- -s
  3. Start the web page via webpack-dev-server

 cd radar\web
yarn start:dev

Build the radar

  1. Build the pub / sub server

    cargo build --release radar-server-standalone

    The result will be located at target/release/radar-server-standalone.exe

  2. Build the radar client

    cargo build --release radar-client-standalone

    The result will be located at target/release/radar-client-standalone.exe

  3. Build the web scripts

      cd radar\web

    # Attention:
    # Set the SERVER_URL to the URL the web client should connect to.
    # You can use "ws://" for a local http setup or
    # "wss://" for the official server

    yarn build

    The result will be located at dist in radar/web