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Contributing to the Wiki

Contributing to the Wiki is a straightforward process that allows individuals to expand and enhance the knowledge base collaboratively. The Wiki is built using Docosaurus and is stored in the Valthrun wiki repository. All the content within the Wiki can be located inside the docs folder, and the content files are typically written in Markdown for ease of editing.

Adding New Pages

To contribute by adding new pages to the Wiki, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Valthrun wiki repository to your local machine.
  2. In the docs folder, create a new Markdown file (.md) with the appropriate content for your new page.

Previewing Changes

To preview any changes you make to the Wiki pages before finalizing them, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install yarn

    npm i yarn -g
  2. Install project dependencies

    yarn install
  3. Start the project in development mode

    yarn start

    To work on a translation, you must specify so when starting the project:

    # yarn start --locale <local code>
    yarn start --locale zh-cn

Docosaurus will provide you with a URL that you can open in your web browser.
Any changes you make to the content files will be immediately reflected on the live preview page, allowing you to see how your edits will appear to users.

This live preview feature provides a convenient way to review your contributions and ensure that they are accurate and well-formatted before publishing them.

More about Docosaurus

For more information about Docosaurus and its capabilities, you can refer to the official Docosaurus documentation: Docosaurus Documentation. This resource offers detailed information and tips on using Docosaurus effectively for building and maintaining Wikis and other documentation projects.