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Disable certain Windows security features

By default Windows has enabled a wide varitee of features aiming to protect the kernel from beingtampered with.
I highly recommand keeping them enabled, but for Valthrun to work a few must be disabled.

  • Core Isolation
  • MSFT Driver Block List
  • Virtualization Based Security
  • Disable hypervisor

Disable Core Isolation

For details please visit:

TLDR: Windows Security/Defender > Device security > Core isolation details > Turn off Memory integrity

TODO: Why?

MSFT Driver Block List & Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist

KDMapper output: NTSTATUS (0xC0000428): Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file

TLDR: Windows Security/Defender > Device security > Core isolation details > Turn off Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist

ATTENTION: You have to restart your PC afterwards. TODO: Why?

Virtualization Based Security

TODO: Why?

Disable HyperVisor

Run as admin in a cmd:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

then restart your computer.