
Building the Valthrun CS2 Overlay


Valthrun requires the Rust toolchain to be compiled.


As Rust nightly features are used by Valthrun, you must first switch to Rust nightly.
Switching to the Rust nightly compiler can be done by the following command:

rustup default nightly

Building the overlay

# Initialize all submodules
git submodule update --init

# Create a release overlay build
# The result will be located at "target/release/controller"
cargo build --release


As long as https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/111540 has not been finalized,
the controller build file will contain valthrun as well as the workspace path in the final executable.
As far as I'm conserned VAC does not actively checks for certain strings so this should not be an issue. But if you want to these traces anyways you need to set the RUSTFLAGS remap path prefix flags accordingly.

$WorkspaceCargo=$(cargo locate-project --workspace --message-format=plain)
$env:RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-feature=+crt-static -Clink-arg=/PDBALTPATH:C:\build\application.pdb --remap-path-prefix=$($WorkspaceCargo.TrimEnd("Cargo.toml"))=[src] --remap-path-prefix=$env:CARGO_HOME\registry\src\=[crates.io]"

Build the overlay afterwards and valthrun not the build path (which might include the word valthrun) should be contained within the binary.